• We are


    We are the BackBone-Academy. We teach veterinary chiropractic. We put our energy into it and our knowledge and our skill. This is our aspiration surpassing requirements of AVCA, COAC and IVCA. Our goal is to teach BackBone course participants to diagnose and adjust horses and small animals with light hands. For vets and DC´s  who want to know how to do veterinary chiropractic.

    We teach you how.



    Our instructors are veterinarians or Doctors of chiropractic, certified in veterinary chiropractic, and skilled and dedicated teachers. As all of our instructors run their own blossoming practices, they come in rotationally to share their knowledge and practical experiences with you.

    We are there for you.


    Behind every internet connection for the theory part - open between the practical modules in Buxtehude, a historical Hanseatic city with 45,000 inhabitants full of life located close to Hamburg, Germany or in beautiful Biarra, Queensland, Australia.  

    Our seminar houses are open for you.

  • Our courses

    BackBone Academy Basic Course

    E-learning plus: Organized into the five modules cervical, thoracolumbar, sacropelvic, extremities, integrated. Vivid lectures to be watched conveniently at home or just about anywhere where there is access to the internet. The theoretical part is open on demand and done before the practical part.  The practical training is intensive, granting more time to practice under direct instructor tuition on module weekends in small groups with horses and dogs in Buxtehude or Biarra.  

    The BackBone-Academy holds and asks for high standards in the practical education: A special step-by-step training system allows BackBone course participants, to feel for smallest changes in the neuro-muscular control and to evaluate and treat them accurately. Side effect of veterinary chiropractic studies is a broadening of diagnostic abilities. Therapy is easy – with the most accurate diagnosis! 

    Details Basic Course

    Basic Veterinary Chiropractic Course

    The BackBone Basic Veterinary Chiropractic Course is open exclusively to licensed Veterinarians and DC´s (university education in human chiropractic, 4 years minimum).

    The theoretical part of the course can be studied conveniently at your PC at home. The compact practical training is offered during the weekend of a module in our seminarhouses in Buxtehude, Germany and Biarra, Australia.

    Every student will be taught individually on both horses and dogs during technique labs. Attainable goal is the ability to confidently diagnose and treat structural and functional problems. 

    You consider taking the course but are not sure? Visit us to get a feel for it. 


    Anatomy and Neurology: Focus on equine and canine joint osteology, myology and syndesmology. Skeletons of the horse and dog, as well as spinal models and many individual bones are available at any time during the lectures. Students will investigate and feel relevant comparative anatomical structures by examining dissected specimens. Static palpation and localization of all chiropractically relevant anatomical landmarks on the equine and the canine on patients

    Review of neuroanatomy and -physiology. Focus on central and peripheral nervous system and on the neurologic patterns that explain the chiropractic adjustment. Modern functional neurological concepts open up a perspective on functional problems that is useful for any medical approach.

    Biomechanics and Gait Analysis Normal biomechanics in equine and canine. Biomechanical changes during movement and pathophysiological changes that can occur under stress. Equine and canine gaits. Gait analysis will include topics such as normal gaits and abnormal gaits comparing individuals and species.

    Animal Chiropractic Adjusting Techniques Theoretical class focussing on the factors that increase efficiency, safety, reliability and comfort of the chiropractic adjustment. Students will apply the principles learned above through hands on laboratories. Topics are doctor position, hand and body positions, contact points, safety and handling of animals in regards to adjusting. The motion palpation lab deals with learning how to diagnose and helps developing the "feel" for normal versus abnormal movement in motion units. Hypermobility and hypomobility will be felt by each student. Specific animal chiropractic techniques demonstrated on horse and dog covers the areas cervical, thoracolumbar, sacropelvic, front limb, rear limb, ribs, TMJ, tail and cranium. Hands-on labs in very small lab groups are designed to let all students practise to adjust on dogs and horses at least four times during the course to gain confidence in the chiropractic treatment of the animals. An introduction to other modalities in lectures provides practitioners with the basic understanding of the pertinent aspects of the use of other healing options or rehabilitation ideas incl. physical modalities to speed up the healing process.

    Case Management of the Animal Chiropractic Patient Diagnostic Imaging (Plain film radiography, digital radiography, myelography, fluoroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging) are discussed and evaluated for the chiropractic patient. Case management address some of the common topics in everyday case management including lay lecture, introduction to leads and collars, introduction to saddle and harness fit, equine teeth and the equine foot. In integrated case management the "diagnosis" aspect based on the "case approach".is emphazised. Ideas and standard operating procedures will be given like signalment, history and consultation, posture analysis, static palpation (osseous, muscle, temperature, coat changes, etc.) motion palpation and gait analysis so that case intake and progress plan will become second nature and proper therapeutic protocols and a realistic prognosis can be achieved and communicated to the owners of our patients. Emphasis is placed on how these diagnoses relate and integrate into the primary health care of the animal and are demonstrated on real cases.

    Chiropractic Philosophy and Studies Modern history of animal chiropractic and the roots of chiropractic philosophy. In Chiropractic Basics the terminology and listing systems are introduced and an overview of the vertebral subluxation complex is given. In chiropractic pathology the compensatory mechanisms that develop secondary to the vertebral subluxation complex are presented..

    Veterinary Studies Fundamental veterinary topics incl. safety and handling, physiology and pharmacology, zoonotic and metabolic conditions and lameness and relevant large and small animal pathologies in regards to differential diagnosis for chiropractic patients are presented.

    Ethics and Legalities The class will prepare the students to deal with the every day legal issues that will be faced in both conventional or alternative/complementary practice.

    Scientific validity Up to date available research valids the spinal manipulation health care modality and expands knowledge of functional neurology. Part of the home work is to read a given number of current research articles handed out on CD-rom each module.

    Examinations From the second module on the students will have a written and practical review test on theory and techniques of the previous module with average passing grades of 80% for each section to sit the final exam. The final exam consists of a written and a practical part with passing grades of 80% for each section . All practical examinations will be held on both species, horse and dog for every student.

    Home Study From the second module on each student has to hand in one case report at the beginning of the module. These reports will help to reflect the review of chiropractic tecniques at home. Each student has to hand in 5 test questions. This will help the students to find the key points in the offered reading material.

    Schedules/Fees Basic Course

    Basic Veterinary Chiropractic Course Schedules

    E-learning participants have at least 3 weeks access to the modules lecture material and meet onsite for the practical training weekends of every module in Buxtehude, Germany. We meet the evening before the practical training days for review and Q and A at 5 p.m. and end at 5.00 p.m. on Sundays.  

    For Biarra, QLD, Australia the complete theory material is presented in advance for at least 3 month followed by a compact course in practical training for 15 days twice yearly in spring and fall.

    Language of instruction: Offered to your choice as the e-learning material is available in English and German.

    The course fee is 1300 EUR per module for the german course. Complete payment for all 5 modules prior to first module offers a reduced fee of 6000,- EUR for the Basic Course Germany and 9500 AUD for the Basic Course Australia. For the courses in Buxtehude, we run a selection process for one  granted student per class (just talk to us!)


    BackBone Australia Compact Course I 2025
    Complete practical training February 22nd - March 9th of 2025
    BackBone Australia Compact Course II 2025
    Complete practical training August, 30th - September 14th of 2024
    BackBone Europe Winter Class 2024-2025
    Module I October 25th - 27th of 2024
    Module II November 22nd - 24th, 2024
    Module III January 10th - 12th, 2025
    Module IV February 14th - 16th, 2025
    Module V March 13th - 15th, 2025
    BackBone Europe Summer Class 2025
    Module I April 25th - 27th, 2025
    Module II May 23rd - 25th, 2025
    Module III June 20th - 22nd, 2025
    Module IV July 18th - 20th, 2025
    Module V August 14th - 16th, 2025
    BackBone Europe Winter Class 2025-2026
    Module I October 24th - 26th, 2025
    Module II November 28th - 30th, 2025
    Module III January 26th - 18th, 2026
    Module IV February 13th - 15th, 2026
    Module V March 12th - 14th, 2026
    BackBone Europe Summer Class 2026
    Module I April 10th - 12th, 2026
    Module II May 8th - 10th, 2026
    Module III June 5th - 7th, 2026
    Module IV July 3rd - 5th, 2026
    Module V July, 30th - August 1st, 2026

    Important, please note: Every attempt is made to offer courses and seminars as announced. The Backbone-Academy for Veterinary Chiropractic and Healing Arts reserves the right to adjust course and seminar dates, times, locations, faculty and tuition to accommodate unexpected occurences

    BackBone Academy Advanced Courses and CE offerings

    BackBone Advanced courses and CE offerings can be booked independently of each other by graduates of accredited schools (AIQA, BackBone, Healing Oasis, IAVC, Options, Parker College, Veterinary Chiropractic Learning Centre). The advanced course row "Low Force and Soft Tissue Techniques"  offers solutions for the most common obstacles in the chiropractic treatment success. CE-seminars complete the toolbox - see details/schedule

    Details Advanced Courses and CE offerings

    Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic Courses 

    The BackBone advanced course row deals with the "Black flies in the chiropractic Chardonnay", the most common obstacles in the chiropractic treatment success. Advanced I and II are already open, the rest of the course row is currently under consonstruction to provide the theoretical modules via e-learning and to offer a practical part on demand for integration of the presented material.  

    Subclinical lameness issues - Internal problems - Myofascial restrictions

    All  courses use chiropractic techniques and use soft tissue for diagnosis and treatment and can be booked completely independend of each other:  Advanced I, III and V are exclusively for dogs and Advanced II, IV and VI are exclusively for horses. IVCA credit: 10 hours per e-learning module. On demand practical part: 5 hours

    Advanced I and II “Muscles – they can do more" Obstacle subclinical lameness issues. This course offers diagnostic and treatment techniques for dogs (I) and horses (II) that are presented with typical compensatory muscle tension patterns. Rewinding those patterns is easily achieved in a specific 1-2-3 step approach. Emphasis is on practical evaluations of patients.

    Advanced III and IV “It´s all about spots”  Obstacle internal problems. Chiropractic meets acupuncture – the common basis and integration of underlying internal problems that block the chiropractic treatment success. Ever had problems with for example the right shoulder in your patient? It could be an underlying liver problem. We will focuss on the diagnosis and treatment on dogs (III) and horses (IV). 

    Advanced V and VI “Osteopathic techniques for animal chiropractors including diaphragm and myofascial release techniques” Obstacle myofascial restrictions. Chiropractic meets osteopathy – common basis and integration of some ultra-useful osteopathic techniques into the chiropractic treatment protocol. Vertical techniques open up and release the patient´s body for a better connection between the upper neck and the sacrum. In this module, we will open up and start with very light palpatory techniques in diagnosis and treatment of dogs (V) and horses (VI). 

    CE Hoof Balance and Biomechanics of the Equine with Darrall Clifford (AUS)

    Based on decades of research, hoof specialist Darrall Clifford outlines the complex interrelations between a lack of hoof balance and disturbances in the movement of horses.  He explains how such dynamic patterns of exposure lead to subluxations, false muscle development and compensatory changes and pathology on tendons and joints based on overburdening.

    To understand the complex interrelationship between hoof balance and biomechanics of the body as a whole it is mandatory to diagnose external hoof pathology and gain knowledge on the mechanisms that happen inside the hoof to correlate subluxation patterns and make the correct conclusions. Correcting subluxations without paying attention to hoof imbalances will automatically result in frustration for the vet, the rider and the trainer.

    The goal of this seminar is to draw a red line through the patient and correct all imbalances. Lots of practical training on patient evaluation plus supervised practical introduction on horse hoofs is designed to reach that goal. 


    CE The Z-Factor - Rider Biomechanics for a Happy Horse mit Jim Townhill, DC (The Netherlands)

    This course focusses on the interaction of movement patterns between horse and rider and the use of manual muscle testing (AK). Identified muscle weaknesses will be cleared using practical tools to optimise the rider and horse mechanics. On the first day Dr. Jim will start with an introduction to muscle testing and on key muscles before pointing towards some myofascial chain patterns and the role of the cranial-diaphragmatic-sacral movements important for core stability and posture. The second day will be spend on evaluation of horses and riders and on diagnose and treatment of reciprocal imbalances in horse and rider partners.  


    Z-Factor: Introduction into the therapeutic principles of muscle testing and the use of this modality in diagnostics and treatment of reciprocal biomechanical imbalances in horses and riders  

    IVCA credits: 15 Stunden.




    Schedules/Fees Advanced Course Plus CE

    Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic Course Schedules

    Advanced I and II are open. Currently under construction for e-learning availability are Advanced courses III-VI.

    Language of instruction is English

    Seminar fee: 500 EUR per e-learning module. IVCA credit 10 hours each


    Low Force and Soft Tissues I

    Muscles – they can do more / Canine

    Low Force and Soft Tissues II 

    Muscles – they can do more / Equine

    Low Force and Soft Tissues III

    It´s all about spots / Canine

    Low Force and Soft Tissues IV

    It´s all about spots / Equine

    Low Force and Soft Tissues V

    Osteopathic techniques for animal chiropractors incl. Diaphragm and Myofascial Release techniques/ Canine

    Low Force and Soft Tissues VI

    Osteopathic techniques for animal chiropractors incl. Diaphragm and Myofascial Release techniques/ Equine


    Hoofs and Biomechanics with Darrall Clifford Schedule

    Sunday 29th of September 2019 from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

    Language of instruction is English

    Seminar fee: 280 EUR. IVCA credits 8 hours

    CE Hoofs and Biomechanics 29th of September 2019   


    Z-Factor with Dr. Jim Townhill Schedule

    May 14th/15th of 2022. The seminar will start on Saturday at 9 a.m. and ends Sunday, 4 p.m. 

    Language of instruction is English

    The fee for each seminar is 550 EUR.  IVCA credit 15 hours. 

    Z-Factor May 14th/15th of 2022


    For all Healing Oasis postgraduate courses see www.healingoasis.edu


    Important, please note: Every attempt is made to offer courses and seminars as announced. The Backbone-Academy for Veterinary Chiropractic and Healing Arts reserves the right to adjust course and seminar dates, times, locations, faculty and tuition to accommodate unexpected occurences.

  • Sign up

    Register for the courses you desire - Registration is only completed with payment.

  • Talk to us